and Trailhead

Mik Pellicci (Buzzmik)



Salesforce and Trailhead.

I have been a devout follower of Salesforce for the past 8-9 years and in the last 5 years earned a few Trailhead badges and attended the Salesforce 211 Administration Essentials for Experienced Admins (September 2016). I am using various study materials Trailhead which gives you a change to see if you have  learned anything by passing the tests to give points and badges. I have passed the Salesforce Advance Administrator certification (including Certified admin) and Platform App builder.



A comprehensive on line course with short quizes at the end of each section along with links to current updates on each subject. 

Focus On Force

This is the goto for me passed my Admin 201 Advanced Admin 211 and Platform App builder exams with the help from the course materials and excellent tutor help. Fundamentals (Salesforce Book Version9.1  August 2015)

This has been a great book with working examples have created a dev org just for the book I am at the Reports and Dashboards section second last so almost there with this book (now out of date but the fundamentals are there using Classic.


Reports and Dashboards with Lightning

I have just started reading this and yet to comment I purchased it as a digital download i only purchased the digital version and has been a great when travelling.



buzzmik on Twitter

I am continuing on my Salesforce journey 

Mik Pellicci on Linkedin





Trailhead Accreditations


Active Certs

  Advanced Administrator 211, Administrator 201, Platform App Builder.


Accounts and Contacts Build a Battlestation App Change Management
Chatter Bascis CRM Basics Data Management
Data Modeling Data Quality Drucker School-Business Performance
Formulas and Validations Impact of Unconscious Bias Leads & Opportunities
Quick Start Lightning Process Builder Quick Start Reports and Dashboards Quick Start Visualforce
Reports and Dashboards Salesforce Basics Salesforce Cloud Benefits
Salesforce Ecosystem Salesforce Platform Basics Salesforce Success Model
Salesforce Technology Basics Salesforce1 Mobile Basics Service Cloud Basics
Spring 16 Release Summer 16 Release Winter 17 Release
UI Customization User Management Products Quotes and Contracts
Lightning Experience Build Your First App  Winter 18 Release
Data Quick Start Apex Quick Start User Authentication
Buzzmik Trailhead

Trailhead Stats April 2021